
Custom Medal Ideas For Summer Camp

Summer camp counselors are always looking for ways to make the camping experience memorable for those who attend. Camp T-shirts, photo collages, and all sorts of other methods can all help to augment your campers' enjoyment, but you might also wish to consider custom medals. It's conventional for summer camps to have a banquet event on the last day or night before the camp ends, and this is often a time to celebrate accomplishments and even recognize individual campers for a multitude of reasons. Read More 

Buying A Gift For Somebody That’s Hard To Shop For? 3 Reasons To Choose Monthly Gift Boxes

With the holidays around the corner, you're likely beginning to start planning a list for gifts to give all your friends and family. While some gifts may be obvious, depending on the person, you may run into an issue where it can be difficult to shop for others. If this is case for someone that you know, it may be a good idea to look into selecting a subscription gift box. Read More 

The Multi-Item Path To Procuring A $100 Pawn Loan

Taking out a loan from a pawn shop is not a very involved process. A person who wishes to borrow $100 simply needs to provide the pawn shop with merchandise worth $100. This way, if the loan defaults, then the pawn shop could recoup the loan through the sale of the merchandise. A common problem people run into is they do not have an item worth the amount of the loan. Read More